Sunday 26 February 2012

Speak NOW..!


 After listening yesterday,we are introduce to speaking session. Speaking also included in MUET. So its so important to us. Actually, I can not speak English fluently,so its such a nightmare for me. During speaking test,there are 4 candidates,candidate A,B,C and D. Each candidate has given a point based on the title of the discusion. And Ms Zu wanted to test us.So,she picked all the foreigners in our class,Izuwan,Megat,Farahaireen and Elya. They are the best students who can speak English fluently in our class. From distance,I can see they struggle to elaborate and explaining their point. I am so dead if i were in their place. Suddenly, Ms Zu called my name..ohh, I am a dead,dead. Ms Zu wanted a new group and Dinie,Niena,Syazwan and I. And to make the things worse, I am the candidate A. We have given a topic and need to elaborate it in 2 minutes. Its so hard for me.

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