Monday 27 February 2012

Beware Of HOOKS..!


HAHA,finally all the tests are done! Lets focus to final examination. Today,Ms Zu taught us how to write introduction for essay in final examination. In final exam,we need to write an essay of 350-400 words. So Ms Zu conducted us to make an incredible introduction for our essay. For introduction, there are 3 sections of introduction,which are the hooks,the transtition and the thesis.

The Hook-use to attract reader to read more. There are 7 hooks:

  • Personal example
  • Quotations
  • Facts/statistic
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Current issues/events
  • Contrast to the thesis statement
  • Definition

The Transtitions-use to move reader's attention from hook to the thesis of the essay.
The Thesis-the purpose of the essay.

It quite hard actually to write the introduction. Our introduction of essay must be interestint to grab reader's attention to read more. But I will try my best in Final exam.. Hopefully..;)

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